Seedammstrasse 3, 8808 Pfäffikon (Schwyz),
With a stay in the Upper Lake Zurich region in the Seedamm Plaza, you are ideally located for your trips to Einsiedeln, Rapperswil, but also Zurich, e.g. in combination with a boat trip and a visit to the monastery island of Ufenau and much more. As freedreams guests, you always receive a generous amount for two and comfortable business double room. For breakfast we will spoil you with a rich breakfast buffet. For lunch and dinner we offer you variety and culinary delights with the Mediterranean restaurant Olea and the Japanese Kaori. And entertainment and relaxation are provided by the bar and terrace, as well as the casino and sauna area. If the weather doesn't cooperate, you're only a 15-minute walk from Alpamare, Switzerland's largest water park.
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